Make language work for you

"Make language work for you": Video introducing Exfluency's language solution, Immediate Translation.
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Immediate translation

Type, drag and drop, or upload entire documents and translate into up to 40+ different languages in a matter of seconds.

Whatever your need, Exfluency can deliver.
Create your projects in Exfluency's ecosystem - just upload your documents and translate into up to 40+ different languages in a matter of seconds.
Want to write to a colleague or client in their own language?

Copy‑paste your e‑mail message into the Immediate translation editor, select the language output, and see your message instantly translated.
Translate entire documents
Select a file in your native language, drag and drop it into the Immediate translation editor, select however many output languages you wish, and download all the translated documents within minutes.

And don’t worry, your file maintains its original formatting, so there’s no extra work to do.
Sometimes quick is best. Other times, best is… best.

Exfluency combines secure, anonymized, multi-engine machine translation with intelligent recycling of previously processed data to deliver low-cost, high-volume, fit-for-purpose translations of your linguistic data.

The Exfluency platform

The Exfluency™ platform provides everything you need to make language work for you. Buy and sell first‑class multilingual content in a secure environment.

From the outset, we’ve focused on making complex concepts simple
– not least when it comes to our intuitive and easy‑to‑use platform.

The editor

Our simple-to-learn, easy-to-use editor shows our community members only what they need to see, while intelligently highlighting anything it thinks might help them.

The dashboard

Streamline your translation needs with our efficient and user-friendly system.

Our online dashboard provides a seamless experience for users seeking professional translation and language enhancement. With a community of 1,000+ members, we ensure a vast pool of talented translators and subject matter experts. Stay informed on project progress and effortlessly manage translations, all in one platform.

The Asset Store
Work carried out for a client is automatically stored in the Asset Store.

The stored linguistic assets can then be reused in future work carried out for the client and incorporated into the NMT‑generated content presented to the community member.
Better security
Our unique hybridisation of intelligent anonymization processes and manual fine tuning ensures complete privacy and security for your organisation’s sensitive information.

No uncertainty, no middlemen, and at a lower price.

Exfluency™ has harnessed the value of blockchain technology to transform the way language services are delivered.

By using blockchain, we facilitate immutable transactions directly between the clients requesting work and the best available subject matter experts – with no uncertainty, no middlemen, and at a lower price. Learn more

Gated communities

Gated Communities are “communities-within-communities”. They give you the option of using our platform to translate and store translated files safely and securely – while making them accessible only to a trusted, limited, and well-defined group of community members.


We are fully GDPR compliant, data are fully anonymized, and we have gated communities that enable the safe storage and sharing of sensitive information simply and securely.


We are fully GDPR compliant, data are fully anonymized, and we have gated communities that enable the safe storage and sharing of sensitive information simply and securely.
Better security
Our unique hybridisation of intelligent anonymization processes and manual fine tuning ensures complete privacy and security for your organisation’s sensitive information.

By using blockchain, we facilitate immutable transactions directly between the clients requesting work and the best available subject matter experts – with no uncertainty, no middlemen, and at a lower price.

Learn more >

Gated communities

Gated Communities are “communities-within-communities”. They give you the option of using our platform to translate and store translated files safely and securely – while making them accessible only to a trusted, limited, and well-defined group of community members.

Do you want to make language work for you and revolutionise your company’s data security and localisation process?

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