What is Trust Mining?
Ultimately, it is a form of quality assurance that provides even higher-quality texts than enhancement alone.
- A Trust Miner is an individual working with the quality assessment of completed enhancement assignments, providing Enhancers with feedback and rating their work.
- The Trust Miner, through proven expertise, has the final word on any given text.
- Trust Miners are selected either from among your colleagues, or by promoting the best Enhancers.

Trust Mining I & II
Trust Mining I can provide an even higher quality text than enhancement alone. Trust Mining II? Doubly so.
- For your most critical documentation, Trust Mining II adds a second review to guarantee the highest-possible quality.
- You can always ask for Trust Mining II, a second round of quality assurance that ensures superior quality in the final product.
- Most importantly, these quality reviews are directly reflected in the strength of an Enhancer’s Trust Chain™.
The benefits of Trust Mining
Exfluency’s Trust Mining process ensures unparalleled accuracy and quality in multilingual content.
- Engaging and contextually relevant - Our Trust Miners are skilled professionals who excel in capturing the nuances and subtleties of language.
- Future projects - Every improvement, be it through Trust Mining I or II, will improve future projects.
- Language models - A trust mined, client-specific language model will quickly become a goldmine of knowledge.