We’ll build your custom community with translation and subject matter experts from any industry. Anywhere in the world.
Ready to build your community?

Why build a custom community?
Reduce your costs – and the burden on your team
Get security you can trust with our ‘safe people’ process
Get industry-leading quality translations
Enjoy unprecedented transparency and access to talent
How it works
We’ll build your community – or help you onboard your own talent.
Our community production process ensures top quality translations
Our unique community production process is built on a hybrid intelligence approach. After our AI delivers an immediate translation of your text, your community of specialists goes to work.
First, subject matter experts take the machine translation and enhance the content. Then linguistic experts work to ensure all language is correct and aligned to your language specifications. But that’s not all. A final phase ensures formatting, layout and nuances like proper names, numbers and spelling are all correct.

Community management services reduce the workload on your team
Our full-service community management services reduce your team’s workload and limit your resource requirements. From community strategy, technology, and recruiting to day-to-day community management, communications, and analytics – we offer it all.
If you’d prefer your team handles the day-to-day management of your community and projects, our team can give you the tools and access and training you need – and you can still take advantage of everything else Exfluency offers.