Exfluency algorithm

The Internal Rating Mechanism picks the right people for a project by filtering out unqualified, unreliable, and unavailable Exfluencers.

It compares skills, estimates work details, and calculates trust. The final step removes ineligible Exfluencers, considering exceptions like manual selection and project status.

Exfluency algorithm

The Internal Rating Mechanism is a selection process for project assignments. It follows these steps:

  1. Initial Filtering: Eliminates Exfluencers without NDA, skills, active status, roles, or within project’s community.
  2. Data Preparation: Compares Exfluencer’s skills to project’s needs, estimates time and cost, and calculates trust score.
  3. Setting Reliability: Flags Exfluencers with deadline misses or critical errors.
  4. Final Filtering: Removes Exfluencers who declined, participated, are overloaded, lack scores, or are unreliable. Exceptions apply for manual selection, test mode, or preferred status.

The mechanism ensures suitable Exfluencers are chosen by evaluating skills, trust, and project fit while considering specific conditions and exceptions.